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Our Story.

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When we can't feel our spiritual connectedness, or we don't know where to look for it, it is nearly impossible to find peace.

How It All Began...

My name is Angie Hoke, and I'm the founder of The Elemental Soul. And like you (since you've found your way here), I was a seeker of something better, some fulfillment that I was missing. And possibly like you, I found that I was consistently asking myself questions like: Why do I feel so disconnected from my spiritual purpose, and do I even know what it is? And... How long am I going to continue watching the years roll by, just hoping and waiting for the sense of peace that, so far, as been elusive?


In trying to answer these questions, I embarked on my own spiritual journey.  I soon found myself becoming interested in spiritual mysticism. In particular, I wanted to understand if it had a basis that could be connected back to science, and if it could logically explain apparent contradictions in some of my religious upbringing, including explaining why my religious faith was not providing the peace that it promised. I also wanted to know how to practically apply it, and if certain practices truly did work, I wanted to understand why they worked. I also quickly found that while there's tons of good information out there, it is often amorphous, disjointed, and overwhelming.


But then something amazing happened. By putting into practice what I was learning, I began to quiet my ego and to listen for the voice inside, the one that I now believe is connected to God/Creator/Source. The voice that carries divine guidance. And once I began hearing it, I was so excited! And even more determined. So I took an even more radical step:


I committed myself to doing what it said.


And that was the beginning of everything! I began receiving divine inspiration, divine insight, and divine connections that have given my life new meaning. Because I learned something so important -- I learned that the discontent I was feeling was because I'd lost sight of my connection with Source. And when I truly reclaimed it, my spiritual journey aligned with my Soul Journey. And The Elemental Soul was born!


Now I wish the same for you!




The Essence of
The Elemental Soul

With the help of some amazing co-contributors, The Elemental Soul brings together our collective knowledge, divine inspiration, and spiritual and practical gifts to provide A ONE-STOP SHOP for you to explore and expand your Spiritual Journey, through guided experiences, a catalogued library of content, immersive instructional courses, and integrated practical tools.


Many of the core topics that we cover are centered around aligning with your soul journey as a form of self-empowerment, helping you step into your mystic badassery. But we reserve the right to go where our divine inspiration takes us! Additionally, one of our foundational premises is that of research and explanation. Accordingly, you'll find that much of our content is well-researched, often citing sources and references. Our founder is a CPA by background and a lifelong researcher and technical writer, and also a novelist. She is passionate about creating content that is compelling, multi-dimensional (focused on the "why" and the "how" and not just the "what"), practical, and organized. So unlike many spiritual resources, which can be overwhelming, we want you to come here and find clarity through your divine guidance. We want you to find a clear path for YOU. 

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A one-stop spiritual shop.

A resting place for all manner
of seekers.

A place to rediscover our
divine interconnectedness.


About Us

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Angie is a spiritual researcher and alignment coach living just outside Nashville, Tennessee (USA). She is the founder of The Elemental Soul and creator of The Elements Method for Soul Journey Alignment. As a recovering finance executive with over 25 years of research experience and a joyful (and award-winning) contemporary fiction novelist, she has answered a calling to follow her own spiritual journey and to use her analytical research and story-telling talents to study, understand, and frame certain spiritual mysticism concepts in ways that she hopes will lead to more connectedness.
In her own journey, she has focused on the interaction between intuition, divine guidance, and the quantum field, as well as the interplay of spiritual mysticism and certain religious and scientific concepts. She has also studied spirituality and consciousness concepts and modalities from many esteemed teachers and spiritual and energy practitioners.
Working with contributors, and based on a divine calling, she has developed The Elemental Soul to be a centralized source of information, guidance, methodology, and practical tools for you to rediscover your Divine Connectedness so you can claim, in a very personal way, the essence of your Elemental Soul. Additionally, having connected with Expanded Consciousness many, many times now (sometimes intentionally and sometimes not!), she is also the creator of
the forthcoming comprehensive Guided Journey, Unlocking the Prayer Dimension Through Your Quantum Equation.

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"When we fully remember our
divine interconnectedness,
we reclaim our purpose.
And that’s where peace lives."

Angie Hoke

Founder and CEO


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Dorothy Daniel

Energy Practitioner,
Healer, Coach
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Dorothy is an Energy Practitioner, Transformational Life Coach and Akashic Soul Reader with a deep passion for supporting others on their journey to inner peace and joy. Using an integrative, multi-modal approach, she's dedicated to helping others uncover and live from their Divine Blueprint, the part of themselves that is completely whole, connected to Source, and free from blocks and limiting beliefs. She has experience and training in the following areas: Integrative Life Coaching; Reiki Healing; Lemurian Light Healing; Akashic Soul Reading; Psychic Surgery; and Shamanic healing methods.


Dorothy is also a singer-songwriter and one-half of the blues/folk music duo, the Danberrys.

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